Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Update (March 27th)

So I am working currently on the other problems from that same Putnam exam, and having little success. Under normal circumstances, I would just forget about them and move on. But we can't be having that. If I actually want to get better at this sort of thing, it is important that I finish what I start. (This is applicable to most pursuits actually). I hope to solved at least one of the remaining 12 problems by this weekend.

I really have very little tenacity, it's a pretty big problem. I tend to give up things when they become difficult. If I wish to pursue a career in math, or actually in anything, I need to be able to persevere. This project provides some external motivation for that perseverance, as I need something to document. I am confident that if I pursue this project seriously, I will get some sort of actual improvement. Which is why, despite the fact that my blog entries will not be entertaining for most people and I will have no "interesting" final product, I want to to continue with it.

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