Monday, March 25, 2013

Project Change

I realized, after much deliberation, that I honestly was not enjoying my project. Cooking is fun, but I felt I was limited in what I could cook, and documenting it was a pain, and I felt it was sort of meaningless. The project was really becoming a chore. The straw that hit the camel's back was when I was given an assignment to read a past journal. The student, Niko Schaff, clearly loved his project, and, as a result, his journals were entertaining to read. Mine felt flat in comparison.

So I felt it was important to change my project to one that I could talk more easily about. I have always enjoyed math (more about my mathematical background will be revealed later)

I will attend a university next year (no idea which). There is a collegiate math competition called Putnam. I would probably end up entering this competition. To that end, I wish to improve my skills in problem-solving and competitive math.

(It is actually quite fortuitous that I could not pick a name for my blog, as a cooking-related name would be out of place).

I have begun preparations today, and I will document what I've done tomorrow, when I give my math background. (I think it will make much more sense in that context.)

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