Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I guess I should explain who I am and define clearly what I am trying to do, as competitive math is not really something most people know much about.

My name is Irit, I, for some perverse reason, enjoy doing math. I'm currently taking Math 2240 at Cornell University, and auditing Math 4130 and Math 4540.

The purpose of this project is to prepare for undergraduate math competitions, primarily Putnam.

There are two main reasons I want to do this, actually 3.

1. Success in undergraduate competitions is helpful for applying for summer research programs, certain jobs, and graduate schools.

2. I have done pretty badly in high school math competitions (primarily the AMC and AIME), and I would like to redeem myself in college.

3. I think such competitions can be a lot of fun.

The basic routine will be something like:
1 hour every day of solving problems, doing some research, and/or blogging.

Occasionally, I will take 3-6  hours to do some full competition.

I'm going to talk more about competitions and what they are later, as I don't want to give too much information in one sitting.

1 comment:

  1. What classes are those sections at Cornell? And what might your research look like?
