Sunday, March 10, 2013

Response to Barn Video

In WISE on Wednesday, we watched a video made by a past WISE student, as his project, documenting the project of someone else, who was trying to build a barn. I think the video was well-made, as it captured well the process of doing such a project. He documented both the successes of the project (cutting of the beams, finishing the barn, figuring out how to transport cut beams), and the failures (delay of barn, arguments with father, etc.), and dealt with common pitfalls in such projects (things taking longer than expected). I think the video certainly serves its purpose: to communicate the experience of doing a WISE project. It is also quite fitting, given the purpose of the video and the subject matter, that most of the music was made by students.

The biggest criticism I can think of is that the title screen that plays clips from the video often features a very annoying sawing sound, and that is honestly quite minor.

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