Sunday, March 3, 2013


A few days ago, I made rice.  This may seem stupid to blog about, but it is something absolutely fundamental in Indian cooking. Furthermore, I made it in a perhaps unconventional manner: in a microwave. I think my readership (or lack thereof) will find knowing how too do this useful at some point. So here is the method:

You need a little less than one cup of rice per person. Wash the rice in a strainer until the water draining out runs clear. Now, place the rice in a microwave-safe vessel, with a lid. Now, add water. You want probably 1.5 cups water for each cup of rice. (I use Basmati rice, because, despite being white rice, it has  a lower glycemic index, and my father is a diabetic. Basmati rice tends to expand more, so I needed 2 cups of water per cup of rice). Cook the rice for 6 minutes covered, 8 minutes uncovered, then 6 minutes covered again.

Alternatively, you could just buy a rice cooker. That is probably a better idea.

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