Monday, March 18, 2013

In Class Entry: 3/18

I was tasked with reading a journal of a previous WISE student last weekend. The student in question, Niko Schaff, was investing in the stock market for his project.

What I got out of doing this was that it is very important that journal entries be interesting and entertaining, as, in theory, they are actually being read. Niko's entries were relatively long, varied in topic, he talked sometimes about the philosophy and ethics of investing, sometimes about future plans, sometimes about what he did today. They were all a joy to read. His research entries were also very instructive, he explained things very simply, so anyone could understand.

Unfortunately, he made some grammar mistakes (e.g. a few theirs, theres, and they'res confused), sometimes his writing style was sort of strange. I think he was becoming a little more stressed and pressed for time closer to the end, so for a while his entries got much shorter.

I think my journal entries have been kind of boring, and I want to change that. So I will try to perhaps write them more like Niko does. I also want to do more research to inform my readers, as most people here know very little about India or Indian food. To that end, I will also take a leaf out of Niko's book and provide more extensive research entries.

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