Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Progress as of Feb 9th

This previous Saturday was quite eventful in terms of stuff for my project. My current plans (at least for this week) are to basically cook whatever needs to be made, rather than focusing on just Indian food. In this particular case, we had many guests coming over that evening for a screening of a film, and we needed to make a desert.

I suggested flan, and my mother decided she wanted some ridiculous recipe from Martha Stewart that employed pumpkin and coconut. This was not a prospect about which I was particularly excited, as I am somewhat of a flan "purist", and am also not the biggest fan of Martha Stewart. However, I helped make the flan nonetheless. The procedure, besides making the caramel, was fairly simple. (I will update this with a link to the recipe when I find one)

Probably the biggest  issue with the actual cooking was the fact that our pan was not completely watertight, so there was some leakage, with the result that the flan did not look very pretty when it was done cooking. Furthermore, flan generally is better with an excess of caramel, which was not present here.

Here are some pictures from the process:

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