Tuesday, February 26, 2013

HW Assignment: Responses to Other Blogs:

I read Dennis Jung's blog about Fitness and positive habit-building. I am impressed with his progress, but noticed something of a pattern in  where he did not meet his schedule. He consistently wakes up later than he plans to. While this may seem like a problem, I argue that it is not. People naturally have different sleep patterns, and ideal times for them to wake up. I think if Dennis imposes on himself too much, he may force himself into a sleep schedule that does not suit him, and that would be more detrimental than beneficial. He has already become much more productive, so it think he should consider planning the rest of his day around the time he would actually prefer to wake up.

I also read Balazs Szegletes' blog about Hungarian Cooking  While the dishes look excellent, I would really appreciate some more background about them. Hungarian cooking is a subject unfamiliar both to me, and to most of his readership. I therefore think it is important that he provide historical or cultural context to what he makes, in order to better educate his readers. (I tried to do this to some extent in my post on junglee pulao).

1 comment:

  1. Irit, can you mention the specifics of what you did for this recipe?
