Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Junglee Pulao

A few days ago, I made junglee pulao, the first actual Indian dish in this little adventure. Obviously, many more are coming. Junglee pulao means something like "crazy rice" in Hindi, because that is precisely what  it is. The dish is a hodgepodge of things, it is supposed to use spices and ingredients that one would already have around the house, such as tomatoes and potatoes. Many choose to incorporate leftover vegetable and meat dishes into it. Keeping this in mind, making it using a recipe would be somewhat silly. (Also my mother knew the general steps by heart)

Cooking the dish did not take very long (total preparation and cooking time took maybe an hour at most), and since it does not require that many specific ingredients, junglee pulao is an ideal thing for me to make in college. (Also I can impress Americans by cooking something "ethnic").
The result was actually quite delicious, and looked like this:

For the curious, a sample recipe is here:

It's somewhat similar to the method I used, but I used no meat.

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