Sunday, April 28, 2013

Response to Comfort Zone Article

We were tasked to read and respond to this article in class:

For the most part, I disagree with this article. The old adage of "going out of your comfort zone" seems to me trite and overused. Most of the time it merely exposes you to some sort of pointless suffering. If I decided to stab myself with a knife, I would definitely be going out of my comfort zone! However, stabbing oneself is generally not considered a positive experience, or one that contributes to growth. Thus we need to reexamine the idea that going out of one's comfort zone is always a good thing. (I do mathematics, for me, a counterexample, no matter how silly, is a counterexample). It is not always productive, to go out of one's comfort zone for it's own sake, there needs to be another purpose. (Most likely personal growth)

What I think this means is that basically one should do things one believes to be good for oneself, which is a somewhat (read: very) empty statement, but it does not make the mistake of conflating growth and discomfort, when one can both have comfortable growth, and discomfort without growth.

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