Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Assignment from Monday

The assignment from Monday was to blog about some unwillingness or limitation that is preventing me from learning and growing.

I am fortunate to be doing a project that I am very comfortable with. I have basically used the WISE experience to force myself into doing something which I would have done anyway, but most likely failed to follow through.

In the realm of math, I am pretty open to trying new things. I am, however, not comfortable speaking to people I don't know, so I would find personal interviews difficult. However, with this project, I have so many contacts and friends who are experienced with competitive math, that the best people to interview would in fact be people I already know.

The only limitation I can think of is my fear of failure. I am currently in a section of Putnam and Beyond that has really not agreed with me, and under normal circumstances, I would move on to a  different section. However, I don't want to continue doing this. The only way for me to improve is do things that I could not do before. In order to do that, I need to pay even more attention to the problems I feel I can't solve.

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