Monday, March 18, 2013

Aminia Chicken Curry

Last week, I made a chicken curry based on a recipe from the internet. Aminia is a restaurant in Kolkata, my mother's hometown. It's a Muslim restaurant, and the only place her father would take her out to eat, so this dish both has some personal significance, and is relevant to my Muslim heritage. The video I used made a mutton curry, I replaced the mutton with chicken.

This process is actually pretty laborious. You need to boil many eggs and potatoes beforehand, and chop many vegetables, before doing the actual work of making the curry. My difficulties were compounded by the fact the video was in Bengali, which I can't understand very well, and my mother was out, so I couldn't ask her to translate. So I had to figure out what and how much ingredients I needed to use.

Because the recipe was so inexact, and I did not even follow it exactly, I will not include a recipe at this time. The video I used is available, if you can speak Bengali or just want to get a general idea of what goes into this curry.

The result was satisfactory, I enjoyed eating it. However, I was really stressed when making it, and the proportions were pretty terrible (I only realized part of the way through that the person in the video was making much more curry than I was), so there is obviously some room for improvement.


Mixed spices and liquid ingredients

Essentially finished curry

Vegetables, to be added near the end

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