Sunday, February 10, 2013

Introduction and Upcoming Plans

Dear Reader,
Hello, this is my first post. My name is Irit, and this is the blog for my WISE Project. Perhaps you ask, what is a WISE project? WISE stands for Woodlands Individualized Senior Experience, a program started in Woodlands High School, in which seniors use their second semester to pursue a project of their own choosing. (Alternatively it stands for WISE Individualized Senior Experience, which, as a recursive acronym, I find much more amusing)

 The purpose of my project is for me to learn how to cook for myself. I will focus on Indian cooking, as my family comes from India. My goals are to be able to cook a variety of relatively simple things without reference by the time I enter college, and also to be able to cook a few more "advanced" dishes. I also want to gain a greater understanding of food, cooking, and how it is relevant to my culture. This blog will document my experiences. I have lots of material to post already, but I am waiting for some pictures. The first "real" update will be on Tuesday, as my math homework is due tomorrow.

Plans for the next two weeks:

Research cooking and food in India:
What are the differences in cuisine between the regions of India?
How is food part of the Indian identity?
Compare/contrast to other cultures.

Cook food:
I already made a flan, which will be posted about on Tuesday. My mother is going to a Saraswati Puja event on Friday, and wants to bring a chutney, which I volunteered to make. We currently have a large amount of leftovers, so cooking anything more substantial would be a waste until next week or so.

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